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Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct Policy

Murdoch University is committed to maintaining a positive organisational culture that encourages good behaviour while ensuring that effective fraud and corruption control is an integral part of the University’s activities and processes.

The Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct policy represents the commitment of the University to effective fraud risk management and is essential in ensuring that the University conducts its operations and achieves its strategic objectives in an environment characterised by ethics, integrity, and transparency.

One of the objectives of this policy is to ensure that the University meets all its misconduct notification and reporting obligations to the Corruption and Crime Commission or Public Sector Commission under the Corruption, Crime and Misconduct Act 2003.

All staff members are requested to familiarise themselves and actively comply with the requirements of the policy. Staff members are also required to complete the Fraud and Corruption Awareness and Conflict of Interest training modules.

If you need further information on this policy, please contact Sarav Rajagopalan, Director Audit and Risk Management at or 08 9360 6167.