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3058 records found
20 Apr 2015Embodied Souls and Their Rivals: Human Nature since the Middle Ages - Lecture 2Lecture 2: How Great the Fall? The Reformation Era and Human Nature27 May 2015 6:30 PM to 27 May 2015 8:00 PM Status: past
20 Apr 2015Embodied Souls and Their Rivals: Human Nature since the Middle Ages - Lecture 1Lecture 1: Narratives of Human Nature: From Theology to Biology?21 May 2015 6:30 PM to 21 May 2015 8:00 PM Status: past
20 Apr 2015Coffee Morning & Speed-Friending for Postgraduate StudentsLet us invite You for two hours of good company and a very high chance to meet new Postgrad fellows. Say Hi to get a free coffee and be there at 10:45 to join us for speed-friending FUN. Speed-friending FUN is based on a concept of speed-dating and it means that within 15 minutes you will learn heaps about other 15 postgrad-fellows working at Murdoch.07 May 2015 10:00 AM to 07 May 2015 12:00 PM Status: past
14 Apr 2015Academic Council Student Members ElectionNominations closed on Tuesday 7 April 2015 for one Undergraduate student and one Regional Campus student representative on the expanded Academic Council for a term from 7 April 2015 to 31 December 2015.
14 Apr 2015Potential Impacts of Brine Discharge to Surface WatersThe National Centre of Excellence in Desalination invites staff and students to meet Daniel Schlenk, Professor of Aquatic Ecotoxicology in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Riverside. Professor Schlenk is an international collaborator on a project funded by the Centre between Deakin University, The University of Western Australia and Water Corporation.17 Apr 2015 12:00 PM to 17 Apr 2015 1:00 PM Status: past
07 Apr 2015Have Your Say - Disability Access and Inclusion PlanMurdoch University's current Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is being reviewed and your input into this review is important.
07 Apr 2015Academic Council Student Nominations closing 4pm Today!Nominations will close at 4.00pm Tuesday 7 April 2015 for eligible students for election to the re-established and expanded Academic Council. An election is being held for one Undergraduate and one Regional Campus representative on Academic Council. Both positions are for a term from 7 April 2015 to 31 December 2015.
31 Mar 2015Murdoch University Counselling Service Group ProgramsThe University Counselling Service will be running a range of group programs for students over 5 weeks – weeks 7,8,9,10 & 12. These groups include Building Healthy Self Esteem, Understanding & Managing Emotions and Mindfulness for Academic Success. Registration is required, contact the University Counselling Service on 93601227 or for further information.
31 Mar 2015Call for Student Nominations for Academic CouncilNominations are currently being accepted from eligible students for election to the re-established and expanded Academic Council. An election is being held for one Undergraduate and one Regional Campus representative on Academic Council. Both positions are for a term from 7 April 2015 to 31 December 2015. If you are interested in becoming actively involved in the future of Murdoch University at the highest level, we encourage you to nominate.
31 Mar 2015April 2015 CareerConnect Newsletter is now available from Murdoch Careers and EmploymentGet connected to all things career related and stay one step ahead with the Murdoch CareerConnect newsletter. The April edition is out now.
31 Mar 2015Successful Interviews - WorkshopAre you prepared for what to expect at a job interview? Preparation and Practice is the key. Come along to this workshop to find out more and have a go.01 Apr 2015 2:00 PM to 01 Apr 2015 4:00 PM Status: past
31 Mar 2015Resumes and Cover Letters that Work - WorkshopThinking you need a more professional looking resume? Or stuck with writing a good cover letter? If your current job applications are not really working for you, then this workshop will take some of the pain out of applying for jobs and not getting far.15 Apr 2015 2:00 PM to 15 Apr 2015 3:00 PM Status: past