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1755 records found
15 Sep 2015International cuisine for $1 on Multicultural Day!The Guild Clubs and Societies will be serving food for only $1 on Multicultural Day, Thursday 17 September!
15 Sep 201520+ Paid Peer Leader Positions VacantFollowing a successful trial and highly positive student feedback, Murdoch's Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) program is expanding in 2016 and we are looking to recruit in excess of 20 model students to become PASS leaders.
15 Sep 2015Nominations open for 2015 Student ElectionsNominations are currently open for student members on the University Senate, Academic Council, School Boards and for the Student Guild office-bearers and Secretariat members, and for delegates to the annual conference of the National Union of Students.
08 Sep 2015RiAus video blog competitionWANT TO WIN SOME GREAT PRIZES? Have you got a great science story to tell the world and love making videos? Here’s your chance to highlight your talent on RiAus TV – Australia’s Science Channel.
08 Sep 2015Stepping Into Summer 2015/16 OpportunitiesStudents with Disability, Medical or Mental Health Conditions are welcome to apply for the opportunity. For help on campus, contact Careers-and-Employment-Centre, Murdoch University.
08 Sep 2015Counselling Service Closed on 11th September 2015Counselling Service closed on Friday 11th September 2015
08 Sep 2015Closure of Sir Walter's CafeThe Guild have announced the closure of Sir Walter's Cafe within the Library.
08 Sep 2015University Medals PolicyThe University Medals Policy has been amended to enable ten medals to be offered per year.
08 Sep 2015Exercise & Depression Research StudyIf you experience low mood, are overweight or obese and aged 18-45, we invite you to participate in a study examining which types of exercise are most suitable for inclusion in therapy for depression.
08 Sep 2015Lunchtime #ThinkMurdoch live music on Bush CourtMurdoch University will be hosting lunchtime #ThinkMurdoch live music on our beautiful upper Bush Court (South Street Campus) during graduations week on Tuesday 8, Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 September 2015 from 11.30am-2pm. Grab a beanbag, deck chair or your favourite spot of grass and let the sweet acoustic sounds from some of our local talented musicians entertain and inspire you.
08 Sep 2015EDGE Employment Solutions for students/graduates with disabilities - On campus Drop In sessionEDGE Employment Solutions for students/graduates with disabilities. EDGE can assist students/graduates with disabilities and medical conditions to secure and maintain employment.
01 Sep 2015Stretch Your Dollar Budgeting WorkshopsAre you struggling on a student budget? The Stretch Your Dollar Budgeting Workshops are available to all students to give them some useful tips on how to budget their finances.