The Great Cocky Count is an annual census of night roosts for the endangered Carnaby's Black Cockatoo ('white tailed black cockatoos or Ngoolark in Nyungar) and Forest Red-tailed black cockatoos (Kaarak in Nyungar). The Great Cocky Count takes place at sunset on Sunday, 3 April, at cockatoo roosts all over the South-West, including Murdoch University.
Join a cockatoo expert from Birdlife Australia to learn about black cockatoos, and get skilled up to contribute to the largest citizen science project in Western Australia. We'll have a practice roost count after the training. We'll even provide refreshments!
It's easy, fun, and family friendly - and your information will contribute to conservation efforts that can save these two iconic species.
Please note the registration link below is only for the Murdoch University training session - you can register to participate in the Great Cocky at the training, or by emailing