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FAQs: Class sign up Semester 2, 2022

Published: 25th May 2022

Class sign up for all units running in the second half of 2022 is opening on Wednesday 1 June at 10:00am (AWST).

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What units have class sign up?
All units in internal study mode have class sign up. Units in internal study mode are coded ‘D’ when you enrol in MyInfo.

How do I check my enrolled units? Do I need to do the Self Enrolment Steps again?
You can manage your unit enrolments via the Self Enrolment Steps. You will need to complete all steps to get to the “Units”. This gives you an opportunity to review your personal contact details, such as your address, enter your Unique Student Identifier (USI) if you have not already done so, and confirm any previously entered details. 

Where can I find out what types of classes I will be required to sign up for each of my enrolled units?

You can refer to the teaching timetable to view the classes for each of your units. This will list any timetabled learning activities (classes) and other learning activities for the unit. 

How and when can I start looking at the class options for my units I have enrolled in?

The online teaching timetable is made available twice a year before class sign up opens. This can be used as a tool to plan your preferred class selections.

The teaching timetable is available by 31 October for Semester 1, Trimester 1, Trimester 2, and Winter units. It is available by 31 May for Semester 2, Trimester 3 and Summer units.

I have enrolled in an internal offering of a unit but I can’t get to campus, what are my options?

In most cases, internal units will have an online class option available for class sign up.

If there are no online class options, you may want to change your enrolment to external mode if available. If you are an international student, please note there are restrictions on external enrolment.

Please note you will need to select at least one of each class type that is available for your units (e.g. lecture, workshop, tutorial).

If there are no online class options and no external enrolment option, or if you need advice, please contact your Unit Coordinator.

If my unit only has online class options, with no on-campus classes, does that mean I need to change my unit enrolment to external mode?

No, internal enrolment with online classes is different to external enrolment.

For internal online classes, you are required to sign up for the online classes (class location will show as ‘ONLINE 2’) and you attend them online at the scheduled day and time.

For external enrolment, there are no timetabled classes in most cases. You complete the unit independently, although you will have online resources and support. If you are an international student, please note there are restrictions on external enrolment.

Do I need to do class sign up for external units?

No, class sign up only takes place for internal units.

If you’re enrolled externally, your Unit Coordinator will advise how and when to access content for the unit. If you are an international student, please note there are restrictions on external enrolment.

If there are multiple timeslots for a class on the teaching timetable and class sign up page, do I have to register for all the timetabled options?

No, if the teaching timetable only indicates one class (e.g. one 2-hour tutorial per week) but there are more than one timetabled options for that class, you are only required to select one of the class timeslots shown.

Where you are required to sign up to more than one class (e.g. two 2-hour lectures per week), the classes will be listed with a number to differentiate the different classes (i.e. LECT1, LECT2).

If a unit has a LECT1, LECT2 and LECT3 timetabled, am I required to sign up to all 3 lectures?

Yes, the numbers indicate that these are three unique teaching activities and they could differ in duration or weeks. This will also be reflected in the teaching timetable.

Do all my classes take place every week?

No, some classes may only run on certain weeks during the teaching period. You can view the allocated weeks by using one of two methods on the teaching timetable.

The first option is to use the list view to display class option. The ‘weeks’ column indicates the teaching weeks the class is timetabled for.

The second option is to use calendar view and click on the class. This will produce a pop-up box, where the second line indicates the teaching weeks the class is timetabled for.

What should I do if all class options are full?

If all class options are showing as full, please contact your Unit Coordinator to discuss the options available to you.

Where can I find a Unit Coordinator’s contact details? 

You can locate Unit Coordinator contact details by using the Handbook. Search for the unit and scroll to the ‘academic contacts’ section.

Can I change my mind and switch class times?

You can adjust your class timetable through the class sign up page up until the Last day to enrol for the relevant teaching period. After that date, any changes to classes should be referred to the Unit Coordinator. provided there are spaces available in other class times.

I’m unable to see any units available for class sign up, what should I do?

If you’re not seeing your classes, this may be due to:

  1. Class sign up may not be open yet for your units.
  2. Invalid, external or missing unit enrolment. Please ensure you have completed self-enrolment and your units are not invalid. Units in external (X) mode have no class sign up.
  3. If you're enrolled in the unit, class sign up is open and nothing is showing in class sign-up, please contact your Unit Coordinator.

There are unavoidable class clashes between my units, what should I do?

Please notify your Unit Coordinator of this issue to see if there is a way around the class clash.

What do I do if I am unable to log into MyInfo/Class Sign Up?

If you are experiencing issues with your log-in details, please reset your password. Alternatively, you may also get in contact with the IT Service Desk.

I need advice choosing my units and classes, can I talk to anyone for help?

For general class sign up advice, please contact the Student Centre by phone on 1300 687 3624 (option 2) or email

For advice planning your units and discussing your study options, please contact myMurdoch Advice.