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Revision to 2023 Academic Calendar

Published: 4th July 2022

In response to feedback from staff and students, previously approved dates for Independent Study Weeks have been revised for 2023.

Academic Calendar 630x380

This change reflects a preference for study weeks to be separated – rather than be consecutive – even if this means they are scheduled close together to account for public holidays and school holidays. The approved revisions to onshore Independent Study Weeks in 2023 are as follows:

  • Semester 1, 2023: Week 7 and week 10 (previously approved as week 6 and week 7).
  • Semester 2, 2023: Week 5 and week 9 (previously approved as week 8 and week 9).

This change was approved by Academic Council at its meeting of 18 May 2022, by resolution AC/48/2022. You can view the revised calendar online.