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Call for Abstracts: Women in STEMM 2024

Published: 7th August 2024

The Women in STEMM Research Symposium will be held this November and will comprise keynote addresses, a research team feature presentation, individual oral and data blitz presentations from outstanding female researchers, and poster presentations.

Women in STEMM call for ab 2024 630x380

Oral presentations and poster presentations allow for researchers to showcase their work and also provides a great opportunity to network with those attending the conference!

Women and other marginalised genders who are working to make a difference in STEMM are encouraged to submit their abstracts through the submission form.

The submission deadline is Thursday 19 September at 4pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

For any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to Shivani Radia, Women in STEMM Research Symposium Event Coordinator.