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Women’s Health Week is from 2-6 September

Published: 30th August 2024

In 2024, Women’s Health Week is shining a spotlight on some of the biggest issues in women’s health with a theme of ‘Your voice. Your choice’.

Woman Health week 2024 630x380

Across the week, new resources will be released via the Jean Hailes website across a range of topics to help you learn what is normal for your body, increase your confidence in having conversations about your health, and improve your wellbeing. Registrations for these events close on Friday, 30 August, so sign up today. 

Women’s Health Week at Mandurah Campus: 

Join us at the Mandurah Student Hub and Library for a day filled with FREE lunch, goodie bags, arts and crafts, healthy lifestyle tips, and games. This is a great opportunity to connect and learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

  • Date: Monday, 2 September 
  • Time: 11am – 1pm 
  • Location: Mandurah student hub & library 

Did You Know?  

Period pain significantly impacts females at school, university, and work. And that 1 in 6 females have lost their jobs due to managing endometriosis, and many experiences reduced salaries due to necessary leave of absence or educational disruptions. These issues often arise during the crucial period of university studies, affecting both academic performance and career opportunities.  

Get Involved in important research:  

A new study led by Associate Professor Paola Magni from our Perth campus, Dr Amy Lim and Tarin Ong from the Singapore campus, and Faiza Qureshi from the Dubai campus, focuses on understanding the academic journey of students affected by menstrual syndromes. We aim to gather insights into your needs and the availability of support services across our campuses in Australia, Singapore, and Dubai. Your participation will help enhance the support we provide and make a positive difference in our community. 

Please take a few minutes to participate in our anonymous survey and help us improve support for female students:

The survey will take no longer than 20 minutes and is open to students whose biological sex is female, aged 30 and under, and currently enrolled at Murdoch University.  

Your help is much appreciated and is key to improving the present and future teaching and learning experiences for many people! If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out.