"Resumes, Cover Letters & You" Workshop Date: 16th August 2013 Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: Student Village-Wattle Seminar Room, South St (Murdoch) Campus Fine tune your written application to impress future employers. Register now on CareerConnect to secure a place. Numbers strictly limited. This interactive two hour workshop will demonstrate how you can tailor your job application to impress graduate employers. Get the latest do's and don'ts in resume writing and valuable tips on how to market yourself as a worthy candidate in your cover letter. All students and recent graduates welcome. Numbers limited. Book a place on CareerConnect (initial registration necessary). Go to: www.careerconnect.murdoch.edu.au and see under Events. Contact: Careers and Employment Centre Email: careers@murdoch.edu.au Phone: 08 9360 2596