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Philosophy Seminar - Neil Sinhababu (Singapore): Emotional Perception of Morality

Date: 07th August 2013
Time: 14:00 PM - 16:00 PM

Location: South Street Campus, Education and Humanities Building (EH), room 4.078

Assistant Professor Neil Sinhababu from the National University of Singapore will give a Philosophy Seminar on "Emotional Perception of Morality".

Abstract: "I argue that moral judgments are beliefs typically caused by emotional experiences of the thing we're judging. I liken this model of moral judgment to the commonsense view that color judgments are beliefs typically caused by visual experiences of the thing we're judging. I defend this model with evidence from some recent psychological research from Simone Schnall, Jonathan Haidt, and people working on psychopaths."

Contact: Dr Lubica Ucnik
Phone: 9360 2313