Beware of Ghosts: Explaining Contract Cheating and Ghostwriting - focus group Opportunity to provide feedback. I’m a student change agent undertaking a project in the Students as Change Agents in Learning and Teaching (SCALT) Program. I have created a short video about Contract Cheating and Ghostwriting to help students understand what contract cheating is and explain why they shouldn’t do it. I’m looking for staff and students to participate in a Focus Group for this project. Date: Thursday 31stMay at Time: 1.45pm – 2.30pm Venue: Launchpad, Geoffrey Bolton Library The focus group will be asked to provide feedback on a short, animated video and some questions relating to the video. The focus group will take approximately 45 minutes. Refreshments will be provided. This is an important topic for anyone studying or teaching in a university and your participation will be very much appreciated. Please contact Kiata Rundle to RSVP: This is how the announcement will appear on the Announcements website. Only the title will be included in the emailed version.