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Murdoch Student Emerging Leaders: Applications Closing Soon

Applications for Murdoch Student Emerging Leaders (MSEL) are closing at midnight on Monday the 1st of October, 2018.

MSEL is a leadership development program where participating students attend an all-expenses-paid leadership retreat where they will learn to hone key professional skills and abilities. Over the year of the program, students work together in multi-disciplinary teams while undertaking a real-world project for a not-for-profit organisation. During this time, students are allocated a career aligned mentor and given a number of other development related opportunities.


Additionally, the program can be used for credit under the Real World Learning Unit (MSP201) or be used for recognition on the Community and Career Skills Development Transcript.  


It is a fantastic opportunity that will help you develop and apply your skills in the real world. Find out more and apply @


The program is a joint initiative between the Murdoch Careers Centre and the Guild Volunteering Hub.