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Murdoch University Q&A

Date: 10th August 2013
Time: 11:00 AM - 13:00 PM

Location: South Street Campus - Kim Beazley Lecture Theatre

With the election looming, the Murdoch University Liberal Club has decided to gather a panel and have a weighted debate, Q&A style about the Carbon Tax, Asylum Seeker Policy and the Council Referendum. Everyone is welcome to join, ask questions and have a good time. -Free-

Commencing at 11am on the 10th of August (at Murdoch university), the event will run for two hours although if it gets heated theres a chance it will run overtime. However i have the venue booked to cover if this occurs.

The audience members will consist of Murdoch Students (liberal, non political, and socialists), full-time professionals and anyone who is interested to hear the points we are going to make. 

After introducing the panel members: Matt Taylor, Richard Klimek Gemma Michelle,Matt Mckenzie and Daniel Earl , we will begin with discussing the carbon tax, then asylum seeker policy, followed by local councils.

Aiming for a 5-10minute brief of the topics, question time will commence. The audience will be able to ask questions when they RSVP to the event.

Contact: Rhyanna
Phone: 61406345930