Asylum Seeker Q & A: Busting myths and adding perspective to the debate Date: 05th September 2013 Time: 12:30 PM - 13:30 PM Location: EH 1.001 Once again a federal election is approaching and Asylum Seeker policy is heated topic. However, the discussion surrounding this issue is filled with fear mongering and myth. To get some facts in the current swamp of misinformation come along to and hear from speakers from a variety of fields: prejudice psychology; activism; human rights and migration law; and policy development. When: 12.30 pm 5th of September Where: Murdoch Campus, room EH 1.001 Once again a federal election is approaching and Asylum Seeker policy is heated topic. However, the discussion surrounding this issue is filled with fear mongering and myth. To get some facts in the current swamp of misinformation come along to and hear from speakers from a variety of fields: prejudice psychology; activism; human rights and migration law; and policy development. Speakers: Sarah Ross Anne Pedersen A member of the Greens (to be confirmed) Human Rights Lawyer (to be confirmed)