Published: 11th July 2019
Research students from across the globe are preparing for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). Established by the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008, 3MT is now held in universities around the globe. 3MT was designed to develop skills that will give students an important career advantage once they complete their studies.
It provides a unique opportunity to profile and celebrate the innovative research conducted by postgraduates from around the world.
Active PhD and Professional Doctorate candidates who have successfully passed their Confirmation of Candidature milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under examination) by the date of the Murdoch competition are eligible to participate. Graduates are not eligible. Candidates must be available to present, in person, at the Murdoch event on Wednesday 4 September at 6pm.
For more information, or for details on how to register, please contact Dale Banks in the Graduate Research Office at or on 9360 6218.