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Free Influenza Immunisations

Published: 5th August 2019

Murdoch University Health Medical Centre still has influenza immunisations in stock. Don't delay, book in for your free flu shot today!


This year has seen an increased presentation of people to health services with flu-like systems.

While it is still too early to determine the severity of influenza this season, we do know that immunisation is an important step in prevention and reducing complications associated with influenza.

Due to the demand, influenza immunisation stocks have been in short supply. MU Health: Medical has now secured more stock to help protect our community for the winter months.

All appointments are bulk billed for students with Medicare and or private health insurance, and the influenza vaccine is free.

To book your appointment, please call the clinic on 9360 2293 or book online.

Appointments will remain available until all stock is used.

Spread the word not the flu!