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Guild Diary Art Competition

Published: 11th September 2019

Murdoch Guild is pleased to launch the Annual Student Diary Artwork Competition for the 2020 Murdoch Guild Student Diary.


The competition gives creative Murdoch students the opportunity to be showcased and rewarded by submitting designs for a new front cover for the student diary.
All mediums are accepted including photography, illustration, watercolour, sketching, digital art etc. There is no limit to your artistic abilities!
We are holding two workshops to help you hone your artistic skills and gain inspiration:

Workshop 1: Native Plants and Still Life

Thursday 26 September

10am-2pm, Bush Court
With artist Mikaela Miller

Workshop 2: Collage workshop

Thurday 10 October
With artist TBC


Murdoch Guild is proud to offer a $400 prize for the winning design. Five runners-up will be given $20 Guild Tavern voucher and their work will be featured within the pages of the diary.

Competition details:

  • The 2020 theme is IDENTITY
  • Design a new front cover for the Murdoch Guild Student Diary
  • Artwork reproduced on 5,000 Murdoch Guild diaries for 2020
  • $500 Prize Pool
  • Winning design chosen by Murdoch Guild Projects and Executive

Artwork specifications:

  • Dimensions 150mm width x 210mm height
  • 10mm bleed & crop
  • Must be submitted as high-res CMYK jpeg or PDF
  • Cannot contain any offensive and/or derogatory images or text
  • No text required, however, can include the words “2018” or “Two Thousand and Eighteen”
