This year's International Women’s Day will be celebrated with the screening of Brazen Hussies, a documentary chronicling the history of the Women's Liberation Movement in Australia.
The Women's Rep from the Student Guild, Shami Gambe, will open the event and guests can enjoy traditional movie snacks of popcorn and choc tops .
Murdoch students and staff are welcome to this 4pm screening. Registration is required.
Please contact the organiser if you have any special access requirements.
If you can't make this time, there will be an additional screening at Market Daze, Thursday 11 March at 12pm, if you'd like to drop in (no booking required).
About the film
Described as a "raucous, informative and joyous account of a crucial decade in the struggle for equal rights", Brazen Hussies celebrates the social activism and the grass-roots nature of the women’s liberation movement.
The documentary shows us how a daring and diverse group of women joined forces to defy the status quo, demand equality and create profound social change - contributing to one of the greatest social movements of the 20th Century.
It shows how women coordinated 'conscious raising' around issues such as equal pay, reproductive rights, affordable childcare, and the prevention of family violence. As the story unfolds, these issues go from being dismissed as the outrageous demands of a few “brazen hussies’’ to becoming crucial elements on the platforms of Australia’s major political parties.
The film aligns neatly with the 2021 International Women’s Day theme 'Choose To Challenge', recognising that we all have a responsibility to call out gender bias and inequality.
This annual event is sponsored by Murdoch's Athena SWAN initiative – an internationally recognised accreditation model designed to improve gender equity and diversity in higher education and research institutes.