Each club and society will have their own table do you can pop by, find out more and ask any questions. Make sure you get in on the action -
join or start a club today.
Activities on the day include:
- Annual Tug 'O' War competition @ 12.30 pm - Will the Lift Club hold the title or will your club dare to take the crown of this mighty and fierce competition?!
- DRESS-UP BUSH COURT DASH We have an abundance of dress-up paraphernalia that is just screaming to be used in a race around Bush Court. Races going every 15 minutes with the winner getting a $25 Tavern voucher.
- CLUB PHOTO COMPETITION More details to come....$250 First Prize, $150 Second Prize, $100 Third Prize - Vouchers to business of choice.
- BUCK'N BULL Can you stay on for longer than 60 seconds to nab yourself a free coffee? Have a try!
We hope to see you there!