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Clubs and Societies Day 2021

Date: 25 MAR 2021 Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Location: Bush Court Website: View the Facebook Event Add to Calendar:

Mark Thursday 25 March in your diary for the Murdoch Guild Clubs and Societies Day 2021.

Red and Pink Dainty Minimalist Friend St
Each club and society will have their own table do you can pop by, find out more and ask any questions. Make sure you get in on the action - join or start a club today.
Activities on the day include:
  • Annual Tug 'O' War competition @ 12.30 pm - Will the Lift Club hold the title or will your club dare to take the crown of this mighty and fierce competition?!
  • DRESS-UP BUSH COURT DASH We have an abundance of dress-up paraphernalia that is just screaming to be used in a race around Bush Court. Races going every 15 minutes with the winner getting a $25 Tavern voucher.
  • CLUB PHOTO COMPETITION More details to come....$250 First Prize, $150 Second Prize, $100 Third Prize - Vouchers to business of choice.
  • BUCK'N BULL Can you stay on for longer than 60 seconds to nab yourself a free coffee? Have a try! 
 We hope to see you there!


Contact: Murdoch Guild