Published: 2nd July 2019
The Murdoch Authentication and Identification System (MAIS) is getting a refresh on Sunday 14 July 10pm (AWST). This will involve a change to the appearance of the login screen and the way you enter your credentials. Please refer to the image to see the fresh new look.
The new Murdoch login screen will ask you to supply your username and password at two separate stages.
- Enter your username in the format and click the ‘next’ button.
- When prompted, enter your current password and you will be signed in.
If you have any queries, contact the IT Service Desk:
- Online: Murdoch Support
- By phone: (08) 9360 2000; Mon - Fri - 8.30am to 5.00pm
- In person: South St campus Library North Wing Level 3, Library Foyer (map).
Mon to Fri: 8am to 7pm
Sat: 12pm to 5pm
Sun: Closed