This page contains older Staff communications. For notices dated 19 November 2019 or later browse the news and events hub on the Staff Intranet.
All Staff Announcements
2077 records found
03 Apr 2018The Murdoch Careers Centre has moved!You will now find us in the Geoffrey Bolton Library Launchpad
28 Mar 2018Murdoch staff endorse a new Enterprise Agreement
26 Mar 2018Fresh Science 2018 nominations are now openHave you got some interesting research results, invented or discovered something in your early-career and would like to get some publicity? If so, you should consider nominating for Fresh Science.
26 Mar 2018Summary of Academic Council meeting - 14 March 2018The minutes from the Academic Council meeting held on 14 March 2018 are now available.
26 Mar 2018Forrest Hall short stay accommodationConference attendees, researchers and PhD students visiting Murdoch University are now able to stay at Forrest Hall for short term stays.
20 Mar 20182018 Economic Indicators Forecasting CompetitionEconomics Editor of ‘The West Australian’ pits his wits against years 10, 11 and 12 students in a competition to predict the future of Australia’s economy.
20 Mar 2018New Future Fulbright ScholarshipsOpportunities for Australian citizens
20 Mar 2018Are you a wellness champion?Mbody is seeking staff from all areas of the University to be wellness champions to promote and be advocates for the Mbody wellness program.
20 Mar 2018Animals on campusMurdoch University has recently developed a procedure for bringing animals onto Murdoch University campuses.
20 Mar 2018Car park and road closures - This Sunday 25 MarchCar park and road closures - Sunday 25 March
20 Mar 2018Social Scrabble on the last Tuesday of each monthGet to know colleagues over a casual game of lunchtime Scrabble
20 Mar 2018Equality and Diversity Survey 2018