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Winter Tree Planting at Murdoch Uni - your last chance!

Date: 21st June 2014
Time: 09:00 AM - 13:00 PM

Location: Banksia Woodland reserve at Murdoch University’s South Street campus. Located off Campus Drive, opposite Kennedy Baptist College.

On Saturday 21 June, bring your family and friends to help the Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group (MERG) and the Campus and Facilities Management Office (CFMO) plant 900 native seedlings in the beautiful Banksia Woodland on campus. A free, healthy BBQ lunch will be provided to all volunteers. RSVPs are essential to Veronica Ingrilli or Leah Knapp

Staff, students, friends and family are invited to join us in the University’s beautiful ‘Banksia Woodland’ conservation reserve to plant 900 endemic seedlings.  This special area of campus is part of the Beeliar Regional Park.  In addition to being used for student teaching and research, it offers interpretive signage on Aboriginal uses of the plants and animals of the region along approximately 4kms of level, marked walk trails, which anyone can enjoy.

Most importantly, banksia woodlands such as Murdoch’s are recognised as ecological communities of vital importance for providing precious food resources for the endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo as well as many other biodiversity values.

Have fun, meet new friends and gain new skills.  Students can count their planting time towards the 40 hours required to have the ‘Environmental Management’ volunteer program recorded on their Community and Career Skills Development Transcript.  This project is administered by student volunteers from MERG with support from CFMO and funded by the State Government Natural Resource Management fund. For more information on MERG’s activities and volunteering visit the Murdoch Volunteering Hub or email MERG Co-convenor Veronica Ingrilli.

RSVP by Thursday 19 June to Veronica Ingrilli or Leah Knapp to confirm your attendance, dietary preferences, and for all the necessary details.

Contact: Ms Leah Knapp
Phone: 9360 6361