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Policy Seminar with Jeremy Hobbs, International Consultant

Date: 25th August 2014
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Location: South Street Campus

Sir Walter Murdoch School of Public Policy and International Affairs invites you to a Policy Seminar with Jeremy Hobbs, International Consultant, Hobbs Consulting.

Jeremy has over twenty years’ experience as a CEO in major International NGOs. He led Oxfam Australia (formerly Community Aid Abroad) from 1992 until 2001 and was a founding Board member of Oxfam International.  He became the Executive Director of Oxfam International at the end of 2001, a post he held until 2013.  Jeremy is now an international consultant working with the not-for-profit sector, based on his experience in organizational development, including mergers, restructuring and strengthening organizations. 

The Age of Entitlement…Is Just Beginning:

Implications for the Future of International NGOs

 “The Age of Entitlement is Over”, according to Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey, and echoed by the Prime Minister, sparking a big debate about the fairness of measures in the federal budget, a budget which slashed the Foreign Aid budget to balance wealthy Australia’s books. Entitlement’ may be a pejorative term for some, a sneering reference to those receiving state benefits, but it is actually about rights that people have as part of the social contract between citizens and the state. The absence of entitlements in many countries is also evidence of a lack of basic human rights; lack of employment, lack of basic services, no safety nets etc. Despite this, at the global level, rights-based development is here to stay.

The world is changing, global power and wealth is shifting East and South, citizens are demanding their rights and development is less and less about running projects. These welcome changes present a new but very challenging environment for international NGOs like Oxfam. International NGOs need to embrace and adapt to the rights-based paradigm to remain relevant, effective and accountable, if they are to enjoy a ‘licence to operate’.



Dr Jane Hutchison

Senior Lecturer in Politics

Monday 25 August 2014

Building 513 Learning Link 1.005

10.30 am to 11.45am

Please RVSP your attendance to

Contact: Jade lim
Phone: 93606260