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Do Something Good Day

posted 10 March 2015 | Staff Announcement - (staff)

Help students do something good for their career - encourage volunteering!

March 26  | Bush Court | 10am  – 2pm

Do Something Good Day is an initiative of the Volunteer Hub to provide students with an opportunity to come and meet, get to know, and get inspired by volunteering opportunities.

Volunteering Hub is inviting volunteering organisations to come to campus for students to meet, find out about and be inspired by. There will be opportunities for students from all disciplines.

Volunteering is a great way for students to apply the skills and knowledge you're teaching them to real world scenarios.

Volunteering organisations need intelligent, interested people (our students!) with initiative to help solve problems, provide excellent experiences to customers, clients and contacts and muck in to do what needs to be done.

As they help the volunteering organisation improve our society and environment, they’ll also be helping their job prospects by developing the "soft skills" (communication, interpersonal, leadership, initiative, teamwork, etc.) that employers hold in such esteem.

Please encourage your students to join us in Bush Court, among the buzz of Market Daze, to mingle with volunteer organisations, build possum boxes and add some non-perishable food to the food drive box!