Encourage your students to do something good through volunteering!
posted 24 March 2015 | Staff Announcement - (staff)
March 26 | Bush Court | 10am – 2pm. A chance for students to come and meet, get to know and get inspired by volunteering opportunities.
The research is in and people who volunteer are happier, healthier and sleep better than those who don’t volunteer! Volunteering results in a “helper’s high”, a powerful physical and emotional feeling experienced when directly helping others. Therefore, it’s no surprise that sustained volunteering is associated with better mental health and greater well-being, health, and longevity. Help your students to improve their well-being by encouraging them to volunteer!
On 26 March, the Guild's Volunteer Hub has volunteering organisations coming to campus for students to meet, find out about and be inspired by.
Students can come and learn about how they can reap the personal benefits of volunteering in an area that interests them, with organisations representing sustainability and the environment, mentoring and education, counselling, humanitarian and indigenous rights and services, youth outreach and engagement, aged care and disability services, poverty and homelessness, computer skills, swimming, gymnastics, cycling, football, events management, communications, and so much more. See who’ll be there on the Guild Volunteer Hub website.
You and your students can do something good on the day too by remembering to bring some non-perishable food to add to the food drive box.
Please encourage your students to join us in Bush Court on 26 March between 10am and 2pm to find out how they can 'Do Something Good' for themselves, their career and our community through volunteering.