OLT Extension Grants $30,000, closing 31 August 2015
posted 03 June 2015 | Staff Announcement - (staff)
The Office for Learning and Teaching offer one round of Extension Grants to support the further impact of completed learning and teaching projects and fellowships through disseminating or embedding the outputs in institutions.
Extension grants are specifically intended to achieve the following objectives:
- develop and/or implement effective mechanisms for the identification, development, dissemination and embedding of good individual and institutional practice, including addressing particular contextual barriers to taking on the good practice identified.
- raise the profile of the fundamental importance of teaching in higher education institutions and in the general community.
Institutions which were not partners in the original project can propose that up to $30,000 be used to adapt and trial resources or curricula from that project, or to run workshops to facilitate embedding the outcomes. It can also be used to present at relevant conferences (including registration, travel, accommodation and incidental expenses) or to establish new sustainable dissemination mechanisms. The funding requested should be matched by any beneficiary institution/s. Some of the matching funding can be in kind.
The activities must be scheduled to take place within a year and have the potential to bring about impact in higher education learning and teaching for one or all of students, staff and an institution/s. At least two outputs (deliverables) should be proposed that demonstrate impact on an explicit audience.
The original project must be complete, i.e. the final report has been published and the grant or fellowship is acquitted. Projects can be searched at http://www.olt.gov.au/resource-library .
For the guidelines and application form please contact Linda Butcher l.butcher@murdoch.edu.au