Students/staff wanted to participate in an online survey on stress
posted 07 July 2015 | Staff Announcement - (staff)
This is a study which aims to determine the differences in perception on stress, tasks and relationship styles between Australian and International students/staff as well as amongst various cultural groups within Australian students/staff.
I am conducting a study of people in different countries in order to determine the perception of various cultures on stress, tasks and relationship styles. This will help me to develop a framework incorporating perceptions from a variety of respondents from countries all over the world and would provide useful information to the academics and researcher to undertake further work in this field.
At this stage I intend to include students & staff in various universities in WA. In the next stage I would be including other professionals and social groups and extend this research to all national universities and subsequently to major universities around the world.
The survey takes about five minutes to complete. I will tabulate the responses to determine what the respondents mean for stress, task and relationship orientation and be able to compare whether they are moderately, highly or severely stressed at this time.
The results of this study will be published in an academic journal and as such available for your viewing. There are no right or wrong answers; just the way you see the answers based on your current responsibilities. So please take a few minutes and complete this survey now. Your consent is implied on completion and submission of the survey.
The link for the survey is:
This study has been approved by the Murdoch University Human Research Ethics Committee (Original approval 2011/049, extended until 31Aug 2015). If you have any reservation or complaint about the ethical conduct of this research, and wish to talk with an independent person, you may contact Murdoch University's Research Ethics Office on (61 8) 9360 6677 or Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully and you will be informed of the outcome.
For more information, please contact:
Dr Arif Sikander
School of M&G|Murdoch University|Room3.012
Social Science Building|South Street Murdoch|Western Australia 6150|Tel +61 8 9360 2927|Fax +61 8 9310 5004