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Preventing Plagiarism

Date: 01st May 2013
Time: 16:00 PM - 17:30 PM

Location: FTLR, 4th floor north wing Library

What is the best way to prevent plagiarism and teach students referencing? What influences why students plagiarise? What are the trends in plagiarism and what cultural differences do we know about and can we expect? This presentation will engage these, and other, questions about plagiarism, academic integrity, and training students in referencing. This HERDSA Scholarship Profiled Seminar will be presented by Dr Guy Curtis.

The primary focus of the presentation will be the development of, and results from, an online competency-based academic integrity and referencing training assessment task that has been used in first year psychology at the University of Western Sydney and at Murdoch University. The task makes use of existing facilities in Blackboard for selective release of tests and students must achieve 100% accuracy before the next test is released. This methodology ensures a reasonable degree of competence in referencing and plagiarism awareness. The talk will outline some of the successes and challenges of the task, and present the results of research into the effectiveness of this task collected over the past two years. 

About the presenter: 

Guy Curtis is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Murdoch University. Guy has a passion for evidence-based teaching, drawing frequently on published research to inform the content, structure, and assessments in his classes. Guy is a researcher with eclectic interests who has published journal articles across a range of topics including the influence of anxiety on interpersonal judgments, connections between information-processing styles and leadership, cross-cultural differences in personality and psychological adjustment, and academic integrity.  Guy has taught across a range of subjects in undergraduate psychology and, at present, he principally teaches within the organisational psychology Masters program at Murdoch. 

Please RSVP to Melissa Davis at by Monday 29 April

Contact: Denyse MacNish