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Vice Chancellor's Awards for Excellence, final weeks!

posted 08 March 2016 | Staff Announcement - (staff)

Nominations close soon for the achievements of Research and Professional staff to be recognised.

The Vice Chancellor's Excellence in Research Award for Distinguished and Sustained Achievement is the University's premier award for research.  It recognises the research achievements of a distinguished research who has provided sustained research performance and leadership over the previous ten to twenty years.

The Vice Chancellor's Excellence in Research Awards for Outstanding Research Development targets mid-career researchers.  It recognises exceptional research performance and a growing role in research leadership over the previous five to ten years.

The Vice Chancellor's Excellence in Research Awards for Early Career Development and Achievement acknowledges early career researchers who have demonstrated a rapidly-advancing research career ahead of what would be considered normal for the stage of their career. An early career researcher is defined as one who is either currently within their first five years of academic or other research related employment, allowing for uninterrupted and stable research development, following completion of postgraduate research training.

To nominate an individual for these awards, please email Kim Culver on for a nomination form. 

Nominations must be received by no later than 5pm on Thursday 31 March.

The Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence (Professional Services) recognises outstanding performance and contribution by a member(s) of the University’s professional staff up until the end of 2015, as detailed in the Award Nomination Form, which should be returned to Kerry Franklin on by 5pm Friday 8 April. 


The overall winner(s) receive a professional development grant of $2,000 towards conference attendance and travel, or other professional development. They'll also receive their Award at a presentation ceremony.


Nominations are open for all continuous full time and part time professional staff, as well as fixed term professional staff with an employment term over 12 months. 


Professional staff can be nominated individually or as a group by their colleagues, supervisor or other members of the University community. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Kerry Franklin on extension 2430 or for further information regarding nominations