This page contains older Staff communications. For notices dated 19 November 2019 or later browse the news and events hub on the Staff Intranet. Sustainable Villages Seminar this Saturday What if people didn't have to borrow millions of dollars to live in a house? What if they could live in something that was self-built and sustainable at 10 per cent of the cost? Sat 3 March, 4pm to 7pm in Building 513, School of Business and Governance This event looks at the Tiny Houses social movement which seeks to challenge restrictive laws, land access and loan regimes to enable more affordable and accessible housing options. This will help solve sustainability problems through re-generative communities living with nature. This seminar is a test of the “market” and support for a movement that is growing and operating under the mainstream radar, with current Tiny Home owners finding places to “park” until detected. Seminar one will be part of a series planned to go Australia-wide and be presentable online and face-to-face in public libraries where support exists. Future seminars will evolve with the level of support and contribute towards a Sustainable Villages Expo at Murdoch later this year. This is how the announcement will appear on the Announcements website.Only the title will be included in the emailed version.