This page contains older Staff communications. For notices dated 19 November 2019 or later browse the news and events hub on the Staff Intranet. VCs Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning 2018 It is with great pleasure that I announce the recipient of the VCs Award for Programs that Enhance Learning for 2018: the Murdoch Moot Program from the School of Law, by Mrs Lorraine Finlay, Mrs Michelle Barron and Dr Joseph Indaimo. The Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning recognise learning and teaching programs that demonstrate sustained effectiveness in enhancing student learning. The successful program must be distinctive, influence student learning and the student experience, show breadth of impact, and address equity and diversity. The recipients of the Program Award receive $5,000 to further enhance student learning. The Murdoch Moot Program is a high quality and innovative moot program that provides Murdoch law students with the opportunity to develop their practical legal skills through mooting. Mooting requires students to take the role of counsel in a fictional legal appeal, dealing with a hypothetical factual scenario and producing both written and oral submissions that are then tested before a panel of judges. Mooting has been used for hundreds of years as a tool for training young lawyers, and has a significant role in modern legal education. This is a wonderful and well deserved recognition of the outstanding work of the Murdoch Moot Program team. Congratulations and a sincere thank you for your contribution to student learning at Murdoch. Professor Eeva Leinonen Vice Chancellor This is how the announcement will appear on the Announcements website. Only the title will be included in the emailed version.