This page contains older Staff communications. For notices dated 19 November 2019 or later browse the news and events hub on the Staff Intranet. Support for Learning Resources Support for Learning within PVC(E) portfolio are implementing a tiered support for learning model which allows the University to deliver significantly more support to students and staff. More information on students and staff supports are stepped through in this information pack. The tiered support for learning model requires some changes to the way students access support. In the new model, students work through the tiers to find the level of support that’s right for them. In order for students to access 1:1 learning support with a Learning Adviser, students will usually need to work through the following tiers: a) Tier Zero: self-help resources such as Studiosity (found in each unit’s LMS site), Grammarly and the Communication Skills toolkits b) Tier One: peer resources such as the Peer Assisted Coaches (operating within the MyMurdoch ADVICE locations) and Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) for targeted UG and PG units. c) Tier Two: 1:1 Learning Adviser sessions (30 minutes) which are based on your referral of students to a learning adviser service, using the email Should you identify a student who needs this service please include their name, the unit and the specific area of concern you have. We will contact them for an appointment. d) HDR students can access 1:1 consultations by booking them directly using the email Communications are being sent directly to HDR students and supervisors about this process too. For those of you teaching this semester, best wishes for a positive experience for yourself and your students. Kind regards, Prof Kylie Readman (Pro Vice Chancellor Education)