Published: 5th July 2019
The University’s Research Repository has recently installed an advanced ORCID plugin, which enables the push and pull of researchers’ scholarly outputs between ORCID and the Repository, saving researchers considerable time and effort while increasing the visibility and discoverability of their work.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) is a global, interdisciplinary and not-for-profit organisation that provides a researcher with a free, unique and persistent digital identifier that links them, accurately and transparently, to their research activities and outputs, ensuring they always get credit for their work. ORCID iDs are quickly becoming an international research standard and are increasingly being required by publishers and funding organisations.
Register for an ORCID iD and Connect your ORCID iD to the Repository – the process is quick and easy.
If you have any queries regarding ORCID and the Research Repository, please contact the Library's Research Support Coordinator.