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Scholarly Teaching and Research Module 10 - Publishing Within a Research Pathway

Date: 18th October 2013
Time: 12:30 PM - 14:00 PM

Location: FLTR, Library 4.040 South Street Campus

This module covers the topic "Publishing Within a Research Pathway". The presenters are Professor Simone Volet and Dr Olivia Murphy. ST&R Module 10 is compulsory for all tenure-tracked academic staff on a continuing contract for probationay and promotional requirements. All academic staff, however, are welcome and encouraged to attend. Tea and coffee and water will be available and participants are welcome to bring their lunch.

While each academic's pathway will be different, each has been determined by a number of events such as:

- identifying your passion for discovery in your chosen field

- developing your epistemology appropriate to that field

- conducting research

- joining your research community

- publishing in your field

Publishing varies in form and style across the disciplines of academe and is quality controlled largely by peer review.

On successful completion of this module you wiull have:

- reconsidered/identified your research pathway

- been informed and inspired by successful academic authors from different disciplines and epistemologies

- learned some strategies for assisting your students to publish















































Contact: Ms Annie Johnson
Phone: 9360 6528