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Tips to help you through changing times

Published: 21st April 2020

Feeling unsettled is normal during uncertain times.


We are all feeling it to some degree or another. It is normal to feel anxious, frustrated, confused, and worried during this period, and everyone reacts differently.

It’s important to be patient and kind to ourselves and to others, to help us all though this difficult time.

Let’s try “physical distancing” not social distancing.

We should all try to follow the recommended Government “social distancing” safety protocols to slow the spread of coronavirus, but we want to keep our social connections strong during uncertain times like this.

Let’s consider reframing this to “physical distancing” and instead reach out and support each other through social media, phone, skype, or even a wave across the street.

Have a look at our article here for ideas on how to keep connected and maintain healthy relationships through technology, and see what’s on our Social Connection Calendar.

Try enjoying nature.

With the restrictions of organised sport, gyms, gatherings, events and cafes, many of us will be missing our regular activities.

Consider going for hikes or a bike ride with a friend or loved one, or simply being in nature. Nature, sunshine and fresh air is great for our mind and body when we are all stressed, and getting outside is easy to do within the distancing guidelines.

There are also a range of ways to keep your mind active from home – read our article for ideas and advice.

Support is available.

Murdoch University Counselling Service is still open to help you.

Our service is free to all enrolled students and our team of experienced, qualified counsellors is dedicated to promoting student wellbeing and resilience through online support. Find out how to make an appointment.